Hrvatska Lutrija Casino Forum
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Mario Musa was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Hrvatska Lutrija d.o.o. in January this year. Mr. Musa graduated from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb, and earned his master’s degree in Business Economics at the IEDC – Bled School of Management. He has previously held various responsible and managerial positions at Posit, OMV, Deloitte, Siemens and HŽ Putnički prijevoz (Croatian Railway Passanger transportation), and he spent three years working as the Sales Sector Manager at Hrvatska lutrija (Croatian Lottery).
“Working as the Sales Sector Manager, I had an opportunity to meet most of the employees and, together with them, face the challenges of the time and make progress in the complex market business conditions. I, of course, expect that we will continue working successfully together in the future as well. I truly value the opinion of the employees, as they are our most significant resource, without whose quality performance there would be no results.”
Scientific Games Corporation has secured a new two-year contract to provide lottery instant scratch games to Hrvatska Lutrija, the National Lottery of Croatia. The deal sees the continuation of a two-year collaboration between the two organisations that has grown retail sales for the products 60% since 2018. SG provides Hrvatska Lutrija with instant game portfolio management. Hrvatska Lutrija holds an exclusive right to organize lottery games, but faces competition in the betting, casino and gaming machine segments of the highly liberalized Croatian market. As a result of market liberalization, Hrvatska Lutrija became one of the leading competitors.
Mario Musa says that the confidence placed in him through this appointment and the tasks ahead of Hrvatska Lutrija represent a huge responsibility and commitment, but also an honor and a chance to achieve, in cooperation with qualified employees who possess professional knowledge and skills, even better results.
“I wish to emphasize that achieving profit is not our only goal. We must also take care to ensure the welfare of all our employees, stakeholders and the social community. This motivates me, as the CEO of Hrvatska Lutrija, to respond to the challenges put before me with a carefully designed strategy and clearly defined goals. Defining a new strategy represents one of the important next steps, since we expect great challenges, deals and new projects in this and the upcoming years. The Croatian market is highly competitive, which motivates us to continuously work on raising the quality of our operations and the level of innovativeness in our work, and thus become even better in what we do. Hrvatska Lutrija holds an exclusive right to organize lottery games, but faces competition in the betting, casino and gaming machine segments of the highly liberalized Croatian market. As a result of market liberalization, Hrvatska Lutrija became one of the leading competitors. We will therefore focus on the games-of-chance in order to increase our shares in other market segments. This will, of course, require cooperation between all employees and sectors and reliance on their knowledge and experience as a sufficient guarantee for the achievement of goals.”
In addition, Mr. Musa stresses the importance of cooperation between Hrvatska Lutrija and the European Lotteries association. “We are proud to be the first lottery organization in this part of Europe to earn an EL Responsible Gaming Certification, which was accomplished in 2011. This certificate demonstrates that Hrvatska Lutrija has developed all of its operations to meet the high European Lotteries Association standards for responsible organization of games-of-chance and, in doing so, ensured safe use of its services and protection of citizens. Cooperation with the European Lotteries Association has been a high priority for us from the very beginning and we are confident that it will continue successfully in the future as well. I am looking forward to all future activities and projects that will be carried out in cooperation with European Lotteries.”
Introduction to the new General Manager of Loteria Romana
Since 10 January 2020 Sebastian – Iacob Moga is the new General Mana...
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Mario Musa nommé directeur généraldu conseil de Hrvatska Lutrija en Croatie Mario Musa a été nommé directeur général de Hrvatska Lutrija d.o.o en janvier de cette année. M. Musa affirme que la confiance qui lui est accordée à travers cette nomination et les tâches qui s’annoncent au sein d’Hrvatska Lutrija représentent une responsabilité et un engagement considérables, mais aussi un honneur et une chance d’atteindre de meilleurs résultats, en collaboration avec des salariés qualifiés qui possèdent des connaissances et des compétences professionnelles. « Je tiens à souligner que la réalisation de bénéfices n’est pas notre seul but. Nous devons également veiller à assurer le bien-être de tous nos salariés, des parties prenantes et de la communauté sociale. La définition d’une nouvelle stratégie représente l’une des prochaines étapes importantes, étant donné que nous nous attendons à rencontrer de grands défis, à remporter d’importants contrats et à développer de nouveaux projets cette année et dans les années à venir. Le marché croate est hautement compétitif, ce qui nous pousse à améliorer constamment la qualité de nos opérations et le niveau d’innovation de notre travail, et donc à perfectionner encore nos activités. Hrvatska Lutrija détient l’exclusivité de l’organisation des jeux de loterie, mais fait face à la concurrence dans les segments des paris, des casinos et des machines de jeux dans un marché croate fortement libéralisé. » Mario Musa souligne l’importance de la coopération entre Hrvatska Lutrija et l’association European Lotteries. « Nous sommes fiers d’avoir été la première organisation de loterie dans cette partie de l’Europe à obtenir la certification Jeu Responsable de l’EL en 2012. La coopération avec l’association European Lotteries a été une priorité pour nous dès le début, et nous sommes convaincus qu’elle continuera avec succès à l’avenir. Je me réjouis à l’avance de toutes les activités et projets futurs qui seront réalisés en coopération avec European Lotteries.Español
Mario Musa, nombrado Director Generalde la Junta directiva de Hrvatska Lutrija en Croacia Mario Musa fue nombrado Director General de Hrvatska Lutrija d.o.o. el pasado mes de enero. El Sr. Musa dice que la confianza depositada mediante este nombramiento, así como las tareas que tiene por delante Hrvatska Lutrija, representan una enorme responsabilidad y compromiso, pero también un honor y una oportunidad para lograr, en colaboración con sus empleados cualificados, que poseen conocimientos y aptitudes profesionales, resultados todavía mejores. “Desearía subrayar que obtener beneficios no es nuestro único objetivo. Debemos también ocuparnos de asegurar el bienestar de todos nuestros empleados, de las partes interesadas y de la comunidad social. Definir una nueva estrategia representa uno de los pasos siguientes más importantes, puesto que esperamos grandes desafíos, acuerdos y nuevos proyectos tanto para este año como para los siguientes. El mercado croata es muy competitivo, lo que nos motiva a trabajar continuamente para elevar la calidad de nuestras operaciones y el nivel de innovación en nuestro trabajo y, así, ser cada vez mejores en lo que hacemos. Hrvatska Lutrija detenta los derechos exclusivos de organización de juegos de lotería, pero se enfrenta a la competencia en los segmentos de apuestas, casinos y máquinas de juegos de azar en el mercado croata, que está muy liberalizado”. Mario Musa destaca la importancia de la cooperación entre Hrvatska Lutrija y la Asociación de Loterías Europeas. “Estamos orgullosos de ser la primera organización de lotería en esta zona de Europa que ha obtenido la Certificación de juego responsable de la EL, lograda en 2012. La cooperación con la Asociación de Loterías Europeas ha sido prioritaria para nosotros desde el principio, y confiamos en que seguirá activa en el futuro. Estoy deseoso de ver todas las actividades y proyectos futuros que llevaremos a cabo en colaboración con la Asociación de Loterías Europeas”.Deutsch
Mario Musa zum Chief Executive Officerdes Vorstands von Hrvatska Lutrija in Kroatien ernannt. Mario Musa wurde zum Chief Executive Officer von Hrvatska Lutrija d.o.o. im Januar dieses Jahres ernannt. Herr Musa sagt, dass das Vertrauen in ihn durch diese Ernennung sowie die Aufgaben vor Hrvatska Lutrija eine große Verantwortung und viel Einsatz bedeuten, aber auch eine Ehre ist und eine Chance bedeutet, in Zusammenarbeit mit qualifizierten Mitarbeitern, die professionelle Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten besitzen, noch bessere Ergebnisse zu erreichen. „Ich möchte betonen, dass die Erzielung von Gewinnen nicht unser einziges Ziel ist. Wir müssen auch darauf achten, das Wohlergehen aller Mitarbeiter, Stakeholder und der sozialen Gemeinschaft zu gewährleisten. Die Definition einer neuen Strategie stellt einen der wichtigsten nächsten Schritte dar, da wir in diesem und den kommenden Jahren große Herausforderungen, Geschäfte und neue Projekte erwarten. Der kroatische Markt ist sehr wettbewerbsfähig, was uns motiviert, kontinuierlich an der Steigerung der Qualität unserer Operationen und der Innovationskraft unserer Arbeit zu arbeiten und damit noch besser zu werden. Hrvatska Lutrija hält ein exklusives Recht, Lotteriespiele zu organisieren, erlebt jedoch Konkurrenz im Wett-, Casino- und Spielautomatensektor des hoch liberalisierten kroatischen Marktes.“ Mario Musa unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hrvatska Lutrija und der European Lotteries Association. „Wir sind stolz darauf, die erste Lotterie-Organisation in diesem Teil Europas zu sein, die eine EL Responsible Gaming Certification erwirbt, wie im Jahr 2012 geschehen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit der European Lotteries Association hatte für uns von Anfang an eine hohe Priorität und wir sind zuversichtlich, dass sie auch in Zukunft erfolgreich sein wird. Ich freue mich auf alle zukünftigen Aktivitäten und Projekte, die in Zusammenarbeit mit European Lotteries durchgeführt werden.“INTRALOT The challenge of privacy and security in a modern gaming world
THE INCREASING SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION In our heavily-loaded-information era, global players deal with a large amount of information in their daily lives; they produce, process and s......
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deWebinar 23 April – Lotteries In COVID-19 Lockdown
In a webinar on Thursday 23 April (14:00 GMT, 15:00 CET), conducted in association with EL, VIXIO GamblingCompliance brings together lottery industry experts and executives. Register here =>>......
Read moreEL/WLA Marketing Seminar: “It’s all about the Player”
The 2020 Annual EL/WLA Marketing Seminar, held in London, saw a vibrant mix of senior industry figures and speakers from leading-edge agencies and consultancies combine to create a dynamic event for the assembled international delegates....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deLotteries and COVID-19: From tactical to strategic continuity
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to have a dramatic impact worldwide, EL has produced an overview of operational continuity elements that could be – and many of them already are – implemented by individual lotteries to enhance their capability of an effective response....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / de“Reflecting on 11 years at the European Lotteries’’ An interview with former EL Deputy Secretary General Jutta Buyse
Since 2016 Jutta Buyse was the Deputy Secretary General of EL and represented the Association in the Brussels office since 2009. During this time, Jutta led the public affairs for EL and experienced historic moments for the Association at European level....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deEL Communications Seminar: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
At a time when digital communication is rapidly evolving and social media is one of the biggest sources of new, it is increasingly important to distinguish fact from fiction. The objective of this year’s EL Seminar was to focus on ‘‘the good, bad and the ugly’’ sides of communications....
Read moreKladionica Hrvatska Lutrija
Synopsis:fr / es / deHrvatska Lutrija Rezultati
EL Report on the Lottery Sector in Europe
Every year EL members provide an overview of how they work and demonstrate the importance of lotteries for the benefit of society....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deEL supports ENGSO-led Erasmus+ Sport project launched to foster mental well-being in sport
EL has become a reliable and invaluable advocate for the role of sport in society and it has lent its backing as a ‘Supporting Partner’ to the SPIRIT project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deA partnership for society: EL and ENGSO commit to enhancing the role of grassroots sport in 2020–2021
EL and ENGSO, the European Sports NGO are further extending their partnership with a new two-year agreement (2020-21)....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deScientific Games Data in Motion Reimagines Play
C-stores and supermarkets are modernizing to attract consumers who have come to expect more conveniences. The lottery category has the opportunity to create better experiences for players and efficiencies for retailers....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deIGT Lottomatica: Boosting Support for Women in the Workplace
Italian operator Lottomatica uses a range of programmes and tools to promote gender balance and offer personal and professional support for female employees....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / deEL Statement: Postponement of Seminars & Events until 1 July due to COVID-19
Due to the recent outbreak and rapid spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19, the EL Executive Committee has taken the decision to postpone all EL seminars and events until 1 July 2020. It is further decided that the EL Industry Days will not take place this year due to the uncertain situation....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / de100 days of the von der Leyen Commission
March 2020 marked 100 days since the current College of the European Commission took office. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen looked back at the achievements, but also ahead at the expected next steps in line with the agenda outlined in her Political Guidelines back in July last year. This agenda was in the meantime hit hard the last weeks by the rapid spread of COVID-19....
Read moreSynopsis:fr / es / dejazz blues bossa-nova swing latin bop vocal pop funk easy-listening original contemporary oldies
Energetic, classic, joyful, complete, and entertaining describes the rich soulful feeling while listening to the live trio
Smooth, vibrant, captivating, inspiring, loving, and emotional describes the soulful feeling while hearing the duo performing live
<14.12.2019> Jazz Trio 'Crooning Christmas' Concert (Vukovar)
<24.01.2020> Jazz Trio Valamar Hotel (Istria)
<31.01.2020> Event or Charity MSU (Zagreb)
<21.02.2020> Jazz Trio Jazz Club Forum (Sesvete)
<29.02.2020> Jazz Duo Fidel Gastro/Jazz & Fine Dining (Zagreb)
<07.03.2020> Jazz Duo Drama Bar (Zagreb)
<08.03.2020> Event or Charity Hrvatska Lutrija (Casino Zagreb)
<20.03.2020> Jazz Trio Bacchus Jazz Bar*CANCELLED* COVID-19
<20.03.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar*CANCELLED* COVID-19
<26.05.2020> Jazz Trio KCM Jazz Club (Zagreb)
<29.05.2020> Jazz Trio Bacchus Jazz Bar (Zagreb)
<05.06.2020> Jazz Trio Drama Bar (Zagreb)
<15.06.2020> Event or Charity French Evening (Zagreb)
<20.06.2020> Jazz Trio Foodium Restaurant (Novi Zagreb)
<30.06.2020> Jazz Trio Foodium Restaurant (Novi Zagreb)
<03.07.2020> Jazz Trio Drama Bar (Zagreb)
<04.07.2020> Jazz Trio Chocolate 041 (Zagreb)
<08.07.2020> Jazz Trio Festival Mediterana (Zagreb)
<11.07.2020> Jazz Trio Petrinja Jazz Festival (Petrinja)
<12.07.2020> Jazz Trio Maksimir Park at Pavilion Jeka (Zagreb)
<16.07.2020> Jazz Trio Ljeto Na Štrosu (Zagreb)
<24.07.2020> Jazz Trio Tkalčijana 2020 Festival (Zagreb)
<06.08.2020> Jazz Duo KCM Jazz Club - Gallery Room (Zagreb)
<11.08.2020> Jazz Duo Ljeto Na Štrosu (Zagreb)
<13.08.2020> Jazz Duo KCM Jazz Club - Gallery Room (Zagreb) guest *Saša Nestorović*
<14.08.2020> Jazz Trio Tkalčijana 2020 Festival (Zagreb)
<15.08.2020> Jazz Trio Ljeto Na Štrosu (Zagreb)
<21.08.2020> Jazz Trio Tkalčijana 2020 Festival (Zagreb)
<26.08.2020> Jazz Trio KCM Jazz Club - Gallery Room (Zagreb)
<28.08.2020> Jazz Trio Raqia Republic (Zagreb)
<29.08.2020> Jazz Trio Foodium Restaurant (Novi Zagreb)
<12.09.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<18.09.2020> Jazz Trio Bacchus Jazz Bar (Zagreb)
<19.09.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<22.09.2020> Jazz Trio KCM Jazz Club - Gallery Room (Zagreb)
<25.09.2020> Jazz Trio Raqia Republic (Zagreb)
<26.09.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<01.10.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar (Zagreb)
<02.10.2020> Jazz Trio Jazz Club Forum (Sesvete)
<03.10.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<08.10.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar (Zagreb)
<09.10.2020> Jazz Trio Drama Bar (Zagreb)
<10.10.2020> Jazz Trio Festival Dani Jelačića 1/2 (Zaprešić)
<10.10.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<11.10.2020> Jazz Trio Festival Dani Jelačića 2/2 (Zaprešić)
<14.10.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar (Zagreb)
<17.10.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub (Zagreb)
<21.10.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar (Zagreb)
<23.10.2020> Jazz Trio TimeOUT Hotel (Zagreb)
<24.10.2020> Jazz Trio Medvedgrad Pub*CANCELLED* COVID-19
<28.10.2020> Jazz Trio Bornstein Wine Bar (Zagreb)
<30.10.2020> Jazz Trio Drama Bar (Zagreb)
<07.11.2020> Jazz Trio Café Old Fashioned (Novi Zagreb)
![Hrvatska Hrvatska](
<12.11.2020> Jazz Trio SAX Klub Jazz Bar (Zagreb)
Hrvatska Lutrija Casino Forum Yahoo
<21.11.2020> Jazz Duo Fidel Gastro/Jazz & Fine Dining (Zagreb)
<05.12.2020> Jazz Trio Siscia Jazz Club (Sisak)*CANCELLED* COVID-19
Keeping in line with jazz tradition, the AL SiTAR ensemble keeps the spirit alive by performing songs in a straight-ahead fashion.
Their repertoire consists of old and new melodic melodies while attempting to invoke a new breath into them.
Hrvatska Lutrija Casino Forum Na
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